The Niagara County Facade Program 2.0 provides matching grants to renovate commercial building exteriors along our main streets, commercial corridors, and business districts. Grants of up to $50,000 are available with a dollar-for-dollar match from project sponsors. Eligible applicants include for-profit businesses, property owners, and building tenants (with landlord approval). Applicants must have owned or leased the building prior to January 2020, and the owner must be current on their property taxes. In addition to the program information below, please visit our:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Program Goals:

  • Jumpstart façade improvement projects impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Support businesses that have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Revitalize existing buildings in our traditional downtowns and main streets.

  • Enhance the aesthetics of our community and the economic vitality of our business districts.

  • Preserve significant and historic buildings and encourage the adaptive reuse of buildings to accommodate new uses.

  • Create an environment that attracts investment, fosters development, and creates new business opportunities.

  • Assist property owners in making buildings energy efficient and code compliant, including meeting ADA requirements.

  • Leverage private sector investment.



Eligible Expenses:

项目 should mainly include permanent improvements to the façade or exterior of the building. Examples include signage, 站, exterior paint, 屋面, windows and doors, stairs and ramps, 人行道, 装饰, 遮雨篷, exterior lighting, 等.

Eligibility will, 在某种程度上, be based on the project delivering a sustainable outcome that lends to a more visually appealing corridor. Temporary, 季节性, or removable improvements such as landscaping, 花, holiday decorations, 等. are not eligible expenses. Other ineligible costs include outdoor furniture, plans and studies, professional services, permits and costs to remove contamination or hazardous materials, 等.


Required Documents:


Application Package 

  1. Application
  2. Letter from local elected official
  3. Letter from building owner (if applicant is not the owner)
  4. Lease agreement (if applicant is not the building owner)
  5. Minimum of two bids / proposals for project work
  6. Proof of matching funds


Grant Agreement*

  1. Grant Agreement
  2. Property release form
  3. IRS Form W-9


Reimbursement Package (Download)

  1. Project report / summary
  2. Proof of payment
  3. Certification of expense
  4. Certification of construction completion
  5. Property maintenance declaration (building owners)


* Grant Reimbursement documents are required following project completion.

Key Program Dates:

03/26/2024 - Application packages due

04/09/2024 - Application review completed

04/24/2024 - Award letters sent out

05/03/2024 - Grant agreements due back

10/31/2024 - Project Completion & Reimbursement
                          document submission due date


Important Information:
Please note that incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed.
Please do not apply if you 不能 complete your project by 10/31/2024. 


Mail or deliver completed reimbursement package to:
Niagara County Dept. of Economic Development
Attention: Facade Program 2.0
6311 Inducon Corporate Drive
Ferraro Center, Suite One
Sanborn, New York 14132

For questions about the program or more information, please contact us or visit our:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)